Monday, October 3, 2011

My First Website!

Here's the link to my website I created for IP&T 286.

“How do you think you will use your website in your own teaching? What aspects of the website will be most useful for you, your students, and their parents?”

In the process of making thing website I have realized just how useful that it will be when I am teaching. I like having the calendar that links up to my Google Calendar so that it stays up to date. This will defined come in handy when parents want to know what their son/daughter will be doing in the upcoming weeks. It also allows them to see upcoming tests and quizzes, which will help them help their son/daughter in preparing for it. I also like the idea of having an announcement page for each type of class. That way, if there some supplementary material that I want to add to that day's lecture I can post it up there. I can also make announcements about upcoming exams/quizzes. What makes this even more effective is that the parents can subscribe to the RSS Feed for that class so they get those announcements without coming to my website.

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